Monday, December 27, 2010


Let me start off this post by admitting that I have grown to hate the colour Pink, and sadly that was not always the case. The reason for this I guess, is the association of this colour with everything and anything remotely feminine. A new product has been launched for the ladies, good, but WHY the freaking hell is it in PINK???
A new cellphone introduced for the ladies, nothing is different, the same old applications, its just pink. Then the VAIO laptop, promoted for the ladies-pink. Even sneakers sold by brands like Nike, are pink and sold in the market as female product, so now they're for the females because they are pink. Hell, a new born child is subjugated under these gender biased coloring, a new baby girl would be in a pink blanket.....WHY????
There are so many other colors, which have so much beauty, then why should one color be put on a certain gender. Why can't a thing be blue and made especially for the ladies. The only time hearing the word 'Pink' doesn't irritate me is when it is being said in the context of the singer P!NK. Because she represents sensible, strong women, and yet has a name which mostly associates women with being soft and sophisticated and weak.
I request all big brands, for once, just once make a product targeting the female market, and not making it pink in anyway, that would be a huge achievement.
Now another thing i want to say is how come pink is associated with females, when men look better wearing it, while few females can carry this color. Although some can carry it beautifully, just like some men can look ridiculous in pink but still overall most men and boys carry pink better then girls. On that note I would like to apologise to all the guys who i made fun of for wearing pink, it was due to my hatred of the color and not gender bias, ask my girlfriends they get the same from me. So lets give pink a makeover and let it be just a color, a universal color and do not attach it with a sex. Thank You

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