Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

How often is it that we lose contact with people who have always been there but have never meant more then just being present. And when such people leave and are not around anymore, they have no place in our memories, when we remember the times that they were also around they become the facts and not things that cause nostalgia.
I guess what i mean to say in my own little demented way is that some people are just around, they can be cousins, friends of friends, basically people we cannot avoid and do not hate thus do not go out of our way to avoid. These people are a part of almost all our memories but they are just there and are not a cause for making those memories important. The question then is that how much can we miss such people? Should we miss them? And if we do then they were probably more important then we thought them, right?
Well such questions can only be answered with time, but these people have been there can they just be written off? Do they not deserve a little more? It is indeed hard but when such people are no more a frequent part of our lives, they are not deserving of any concern from us, right? But maybe they are, for every presence counts, in every occasion, at every time. But then another question arises, if they are a part of our memory and we remember them and to some extent miss them then do they miss us? What if we are just a part of their life which has no meaning and no importance, then are we not giving them more importance then is due?
Such questions arise in every persons' mind, does it ever get answered? I seriously have no clue but thoughts and answers are important, and what we really need to know is how important are we to other people. Is it not the case?

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