Friday, November 12, 2010

Have To Talk About It

I found a very distressing news today, and it has indeed shocked me, and affected me more then i want to show to friends thus today i will only talk about it by writing a post here. My admin is a very sweet girl, she is the the saving grace of the administration but like all people she can get some heat from the students for something or the other. I do not think that i have had an instance in which i have had a reason to dislike her but though we are nice to each other we are not friends. Yes, she is young enough to be friends with for she is not that much older then us just a few years and she has a sense of style which is pretty good though sometimes she messes up completely:)
But over all she is a nice person and does not create many problems for us, she is frank with us, though as the representative of the administration she sometimes disappoints us. But today i found out something that is making me sick to my stomach and makes me wonder at the world and the justice of this world. Today i found out that she has been suffering from intestinal cancer, i do not know much about it but nevertheless it is cancer and it scares the shit out of me. And for someone so young, with her life in front of her and who is so near to me in this world, and is not much older then me, this news is devastating. All i hope is that she gets better soon and that she does not suffer much pain in this fight for her life.

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