Sunday, October 17, 2010


2010, well the year has gone considerably fast, its already the middle of October. No matter how fast this year has gone, the truth is a lot has happened in this year. Personally, and yes in the world in general, for one sports' world has been very interesting; with Aisam UL Haq Qureishi reaching the mixed doubles and the men's doubles final in a grand slam. And Africa hosting its first FIFA world cup, and Spain winning its first World Cup, and Netherlands reaching the first final along with Spain.
Sports aside i have personally learned a lot of lessons, some that i knew of but had never managed to learn and some completely new ones. This year had made me believe that miracles do happen, and the world has an uncanny way to surprise us. And the small fears we have, the little worldly things that matter so much to us at a certain point are not always extremely important.
When one has a lot to write(for they haven't really written in a long while) one really loses the ability to put it into words. But at this moment i will try to write what i have to, so many things and so little time. First of all nothing remains the same, that is a well known fact of life, that a person should learn as early in life as possible, and the greatest gift mankind has been given is memory. For some moments might never come again, some times are gone forever but we can always remember them and rejoice in those memories.
                 Another thing i really wanted to write about was that we cannot give up hope, for when hope is gone then despair comes, and despair has never been any ones friend. Sometimes to be a part of change, to make things better one has to make compromises and get a little dirty(not in corrupt way just not as one planned way). I do not know if there is ever a perfect way to make things right but one has to hope, giving up is never a solution and recently I have seen many people give up, living in Pakistan has not been easy but i believe that instead of running away and making our own personal lives better, what people here need to do is have hope and if they want change start by changing themselves and then doing something about the problems themselves. How long can this world get by, by throwing responsibility on others.
So I am going to end this jumbled up thought out of my Topsy turvy brain by saying lets get a little messy to change for the better.  

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