Saturday, April 9, 2011


Everyone talks about the hard times in their lives, the times when they went through something which was life changing or which made them see the world differently. Most of these things, which make it the worst time of some ones life are occasions when a person felt completely and utterly helpless. It may be the death of a loved one, suffering of some one one cares about or even something which changed ones life, no matter what, the common factor in all of these times is the feeling that one cannot do anything, one has no power of the situation and that there is no way one can help the situation. And sadly this feeling can become a nightmare for one.
Like if a person is dying from a disease like cancer, then one goes through all the painful stages knowing that there is nothing one can do to save themselves, or to lessen the pain. That the life might have been called theirs but they have no control whatsoever as the lights go out in the most painful way. Death is indeed the most obvious reminder of how helpless humans can become, it makes one realize that one has no control and it is equally painful for the one dying and the ones who are seeing their loved one slip away. Yet there are other reminders of ones helplessness, it may be in a situation where someone one cares for is going through a dark time, or someone who goes through a brutal mugging or robbery in their own home. It might be seeing the devastation caused by a natural disaster, like the recent tsunami in Japan.
I personally got a reminder of how little control I have over the situations in life, as I saw my mother go through a serious health problem and I was unable to help her, to make it easier for her or even to get her help as soon as I would have liked. Thankfully she got better but I realized that even though I did the best I could in the situation, I could neither help her medically nor lessen her pain, and that made me realize how little control we have in our lives and in most situations. Even something as small as getting fired, one cannot control what others do and thus cannot change their decisions. One can call someone a thick head but cannot get their point across to them.
I do not say that this is something bad or something scary, it is a fact of life that few can deny. I guess to explain this lack of control, there are so many people out there who believe in some religion or another. I guess it is something many say is a fact of life and realists believe that it should just be accepted. And I acknowledge that discovering that how little control we have over our lives, situations, environment and people we have, is a huge part of growing up. Yet on a brighter note I also believe that we can always make the best of a situation and that is indeed in our control.

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