Wednesday, July 21, 2010


DVD Shop In Islamabad
Things change too soon, nothing in this life remains forever. But when i say things end i do not mean life or relationships, i mean actual places, things, they end. Like a market, or a shop or path, things like that. It is an expected fact of life, but that does not mean that one does not remember them and miss them. I write this post as a tribute to the extreme nostalgia i had at hearing that one of the oldest DVD rental shops in Islamabad, Pakistan was closing. This shop was so old that when i first heard of DVDs before they became normal, and i was really small about ten to twelve years ago approximately, i went to this shop. And ever since then my whole family, including cousins, went to get DVDs from this shop. I truly cannot explain how bad it feels, it feels like a big part of my life has ended.
Covered Market Islamabad
In recent years this is not the only big thing that has come to an end , which was full of memories and causes nostalgia to me. It was the oldest market in the Capital of Pakistan, called the Covered Market, Islamabad. What was so beautiful about it other then the fact that it was near my house, was that it had every kind of shop in it, everything was available there and most of all there were so many art shops there. I miss it more then i can tell for i have  been going there since i learned how to walk and i used to go there with my Grand mother who died in 2007 the same time the building was taken down.

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