I wanted to write a post for a very long time, even started one but at the time did not have the heart. See it was around the time when the Airblue bus crashed in Margalla Hills, Pakistan. So many people died and yet all i can say is that it was tragic incident.
But now on 22nd August, a lot has happened on which i can comment, many tragedies that i can talk about and feel sorry about but the truth is that this is no obituary and i am no PR person and cannot condemn the tragic events of the past few days. All i say is that now at this moment mentioning those 152 deaths of the plane crash, seems a little disrespectful to all those who died in the Pakistan floods.
I want to say that over this summer Pakistan has suffered a lot, from a tragic plane crash to extreme floods, costing many lives and causing damages above imagination. I cannot express my anger or sadness at these things and thus will not try to sugar coat my words or even try to express my emotions. The tragedy of it all that i want to share is that how the aid is not being distributed to provinces, by the federal government, the debate has been going on all over the media as to the reasons of this. I do not care about the reasons what matters to me is that there are over 100,000 people who are homeless, without a penny to their names and yet the major aid coming from International sources is not being distributed. The government is not listening, and is not responding accordingly.
Yes, the Army is working on field, and helping better then all but as yet the International aid is not crossing hands to the provincial governments and thus it makes it really hard to believe that help will be given to the victims as it should be.
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