Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dreams...." I Dreamed A Dream"

Its a strange world, it has so much to offer and yet all that is so hard to get. No one can be stopped from dreaming, and everyone has the opportunity to dream as big as they possibly can, yet how many can achieve those dreams, how many are allowed to achieve those dreams. We cannot say, there are so many barriers to our dreams. People stand against other peoples' dreams. Its not an impossibility, there is hope as all dreams are based on that hope but achieving it is not easy, sometimes not even conceivable. 
I guess it is that very thing which makes achieving those dreams worth it. I guess if everything was possible and attainable then their would no sense of achievement and thus there will be no motivation and every and any dream would become useless. So this actually means that struggle is good, it gives us hope and the right to dream. 
Whatever we dream of anything which can happen in reality then there is always someone we can follow, someone who has dreamed that dream and achieved it. Then how can such a dream be impossible at the same time many things in this world have age limits, things that one cannot do after a certain age or period in life like one cannot learn ballet at the age of fifty two. Or one cannot become a gymnast at the age of sixty, so some dreams can be an impossibility. This can be argued that as a child one should try everything but then what about the third world where such facilities are not available. 
But what i wonder is, that even if a dream is an impossibility and for some reason cannot possibly be tried for then should we stop dreaming about it? I don't agree with that idea, dreams are things that we want to attain but have yet not done so, if someone cannot learn ballet it does not mean that they should not wish to do so. Because that would be like some who cannot walk and gives up hope, and commits suicide. Dreams make us laugh in the darkness of night, keep us from thinking about things that we dread, keep giving us hope. They make us think of a different life and maybe in some way appreciate life. Is that not what dreams are all about, they do not necessarily have to be achieved, they just can be our thoughts, wishes for a human being will keep on wishing till his or her last breadth.                     

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