Some lies are easy to tell, like "You look great", "I had a great time." "I just forgot to call you, my bad.", "I lost my cell phone a long with your number, that is precisely why i could not call you."
These lies are small, perhaps mean a little to us, but when one lies about something like "I miss you." "I love you."
These are the lies that can have consequences, i think all know what are the consequences of the latter one are, the first one on the other hand is a little hard to imagine, but these 3 simple words claiming that you miss someone are a lot more then words. The person listening to these words gets to think that they have some importance in your life, a meaning. You say it to a friend and they will think that them going away, them being far affects you. When one claims to miss another person one is giving that person an important part in their life, a part which means something. As if you need them and their absence leaves you remembering the times when they were present, that they are worth something to you.
So when we lie about something like this we are giving another person an impression that they mean more to us then they actually do. Its a tragedy that such important words should be used so lightly, their meaning not receiving the justice that it deserves. And in the process we risk hurting someone else, or in maybe making a complete fool of ourselves:)
But sometimes where we need to say these words we do not, for we are afraid that their meaning will be taken literary, and that will not be how the other feels, in other words we might be giving the other person more importance in our lives then they are giving us. But is that the solution, sometimes pure old honesty is the only solution, so if one feels it one should say it, one cannot then whats wrong with sticking with the old 'Take Care'(tc).
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