Lets start at the beginning. Can You Hear My Heart is a show I waited almost a month for, and had great expectations for it, but definitely they were mixed with many apprehensions. Especially as during that one month I read about the conflict related to the business and so on. First of all this drama took me about three weeks to finish, which is indeed a lot for someone like me, who watches a drama in less then three days, no matter how boring it is or how much it drags. But Can You Hear My Heart never dragged, no, it was not one bit boring. So the reason it took me so long was due to many family engagements and nothing to do with the drama not being good enough.
I'm really confused what to say, as I have a little too much to say and no idea where to begin, so here I'll try to make some sense, without giving too many spoilers and yet making sense (God help me).
Even though I have only discovered Korean dramas at the start of this year, I have, because of my obsession, been able to see many Korean dramas, definitely all the famous ones at least. And let me say this that this drama was the most unique I have ever seen. It was also the longest Korean drama I have seen and I have not regretted its length even one bit. Am I totally objective about this drama, I'm not sure, but I've got to say it that never have I seen hearing impairment treated on television so beautifully, that one can feel the lead character Cha Dong-joo's frustration, his pain sears through the very soul of the viewer,and I think here we should applaud Kim Jae-won's performance for making one feel his character's pain. But more then KJW one should applaud the little child actor (Kang Chan Hee) performance as the scared little child, whose world suddenly goes all quiet so that he cannot even hear himself.

Other characters and actors also play their parts superbly though like all Korean dramas one wonders at moments that why did the actors forget that they had to act. But overall my apprehension were proven false, though teh whole revenge part was a huge cliche but it was well ridden by the characters. And I think that this will be undisputed that the bromance was right on, the chemistry between Bong Ma Roo and Cha Dong Joo was awesome, undeniably better then that of the lead couple's (though their chemistry rocked too), from the brotherly fighting scenes, to the heart breaking revenge scenes, the chemistry was off the hook. Sadly they were just brothers in the whole drama though which was not bad at all as one felt the brotherly love too. Then the chemistry between Bong Ma Roo and Woo Ri was interesting as well, though not better then that of the lead couple's but still worth watching.
The story was very complicated and maybe a little too soapish but nevertheless it was enjoyable, and well acted and did not drag. Did it keep one at the edge of ones seat? Definitely no, but it does keep one involved and one gets invested into the characters enough to want to see them through this ordeal in life. Though the whole breaking up part at the end is ridiculous and not at all required as it does not help a bit, and I guess everyone repenting is not what one gets in real life but then again real life is not full of so many webs of lies and so many misplaced children and relationships.
Over all the best part was the way the drama depicted a hearing impaired person and also how a mentally handicapped person was shown, it was the highlight of the drama and it made one love it and respect it. Another thing that I personally have to credit this drama for is that it made me break my long record of not shedding a tear ever, and that too in its last episode when Jung Bo Suk's character Bong Young Kyu cried at his mother's funeral, I could not help but shed a tear because of his too real pain, my first tear for a drama or movie since I watched Jinnah in the theatres.
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