Friday, November 11, 2011


This life is just a small journey, and soon it ends just like everything else ends. And once, when someone is gone, then there is never any return, and for those left behind, there is no return to the past. All we have then is the face, the memory and the words we spoke together.
The laugh we shared, the time we shared, the moments that we shared. Memories, at the same time become the most precious thing and the most torturous. Small things become so important, a book we shared, a song we listened to, a topic we disagreed on. Death is that fact of life, that scares most people, if one has ever loved then death is something that person fears the most. For it is a parting that has no return, the path is closed off. 
Its something that we all have to face, but even if its a fact of life, it makes it really hard to process it. A small thing like I love you, is so important when its a parting forever. You cannot even say that again, you can never hear that person again and you cannot see them. So, all there is left are the memories, and those memories make you smile and they make you cry. And sometimes the hole left behind, you know that it will never be filled, because some roles in life are reserved for some people, some relationships are sacred to those people and when they are gone; then living with their memory is better then to trying to replace them.
Everyone faces the loss of a loved one, but loss and pain is different to everyone, like all the relationships are different. Hence, comparing ones loss with the others is stupid, even if the relationship is the same, because the bond might be less or more.
I believe that memory is the biggest gift to human kind, because without memories what shells we would have been, so, memories are a blessing.

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